Monday, November 19, 2012

Miss Jessie's Pillow Soft Curls Review

REVIEW/RANT: Tried Miss Jessie's Pillow Soft Curls last night. I gonna be completely honest I severely don't like this product! 
1. My hair smells like fabric softener, it's really annoying it's kinda making me nauseous because it is so STRONG. Every time I turned my head I got a big smell. I washed it out the very next day 
2. My hair de
finitely doesn't have a lot of definition like I like it. Keep in mind that I have type 4a hair which is very coily. It just made my hair big afroish no since of defiinition.
3. After my hair dried my hair got really frizzy.
4. I looked at the ingredients and Miss Jessie's says it's their most natural product, their were still a whole bunch of ingredients that I didn't recognize and that scared me. I like to go for more organic type products like the Shea Moisture line.

1. My hair is really soft like it doesn't have any products in it.
2. It didn't leave residue in my hair.
3. You don't have to use a lot. I got 2 packs and I only used 1.
With all these pros and cons listed I give this product a 4. I don't like it, and it doesn't suit my hair texture. Pillow Soft Curls is NOT a good product for definition on type 4 hair, or hair textures that don't have a lot of definition by it's self. I definitely will not be buying this product again and I'm giving the other free sample packet away. So glad I didn't have to pay for it or I would be severely heated. Also irritated that it got such good reviews on YouTube I really don't see how! I think I'm giving up on Miss Jessie's products it just doesn't do good for my hair.


  1. did u texturise ur hair with just for me texturiser?

    1. No I do not use any type of chemicals or relaxers in my hair. this is my natural texture.
